Thursday, December 19, 2013

Starting the New Year Off Right

New Years Resolutions are a staple in our society even if the majority of the time they are never kept.  It is a time for new beginnings, a fresh start, and a time for self improvement.  Unfortunately, I seldom keep my resolutions but this coming year will be different.  This time around I will set myself up for success before the New Year. I will be organized and I will map out my plan of attack.

My keys to success:

  1. My Agenda:  With more than a week to go until the New Year I have already started my new agenda.  I've started to add important dates, deadlines, and more.  One of my resolutions is to save money.  I have already added my first deadline.  I am trying to plan ahead.  In my agenda I am also going to have a monthly list of what I would like to accomplish.  Hopefully this will help to keep me on track.
  2. A Plan:  I love plans.  I believe plans help to eliminate stress and the uncertainty of the future.  It won't eliminate all stress and uncertainty but it definitely helps.  As a business major, I look at my plans as if it it were a business plan.  There are performance objectives at the beginning, a way to achieve them in the middle, and the end is the evaluation of your results.
  3. Goals:  You need to have SMART goals.  Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely goals.   This will keep you on track for reaching all of your goals.

Good luck to all of you on your New Years Resolutions!


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